Monday, October 17, 2011

Challenge - day 4

Today was a good day.
Things are coming together and I seem to finally come to what I've been telling all new start ups that ask me for tips. GET A GOOD TEAM. Alone you can only do so much. When there's two of you doing work - it doesn't multiply by just two, it becomes more like a four. And when you assemble the perfect team, well, then things just get cracking.

It doesn't mean, of course, that I'm a big expert on running business, god - no!! But at some point I got tired of expressing that to everyone who looked up to me, and I said to myself - "you got something to tell them - so tell them!". After all, sharing in the experience is what we're all here for.

My team is finally coming together and I am very happy to conclude... that everything is only beginning!

Not much more to share at this point, stay tuned and check back, or better yet - add this blog to your feed burner or subscribe to receive e-mails when I post.

A little simpler photo for today...

Have a wonderful week!