Tuesday, March 6, 2012

4am. Still no sleep....

In a dreamland, where there are no schedules, deadlines or other pressing things - I will find myself one day in bliss.
I won't worry about snoozing through the next busy day or failing to put the right jeans on early in the morning, when the sleep finally catches up with me.
Woke up in the middle of the night, only to find my brain clicking away at all the unresolved stuff I had carried around in my head for weeks, typically - unable to spare time for any of it. In 15 minutes or less (just like in a dream) - I came up with concepts and plans for the next 6 months of my existence. Well, actually, I think I did it for at least next 5 years, but you know how things usually get a bit blurry after 6 months, and plans become more of a computer program rather than a to-do list.
If... Then... Else... And What Not.

Oh, but the planning part is so important. I remember a few years ago attempting a draft of my first ever business plan. When all that failed one try after another I concluded to myself - this stuff has never worked for me, I'll just... "wing it". Now looking back it is clear that I would never get anywhere if I didn't have some sort of a plan. Only I prefer the word - Vision. It keeps changing, it keeps perfecting itself. You will re-write, review, re-address pretty much everything and the secret is to stay flexible and in allowing these things evolve. "If it ain't on our list we ain't doing it" attitude should be replaced with something more open minded. Not necessarily "anything goes", but perhaps a perfect balance between the two will compliment your personal and/or business growth nicely.
For a photographer - your style would never be the same if you have never shot a wedding or a birthday party and saw what dynamics affect the image. If you never photographed a bug or reflections in puddles to understand how commitment to creativity develops the eye.
Growth spurs are the best, they are like windows being wide open on the first real spring day, when everything smiles at you, when all the lights seem to turn green wherever you go, and the birds seem to sing your favorite songs.
All of that said, I still have no sleep and I guess I'm off to do more writing in my "business plan" folder. File never turned out to be enough, I'm too random and unstructured. Yes, I'm awesome that way.
I guess I'll just milk it while it's pouring. These few precious hours sure will save me many a brainstorming session in the coming months.

And you... You have yourself a Magical Day!


  1. (:always reading,always waiting for more..gb

    1. You got it! Coming out tomorrow morning, with pictures! xo
