Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day :)

I remember my Dad - we never celebrated Father's or Mother's Day, haven't had a clue such thing existed. I see my Dad picking me up from horseback riding, teaching me how to fix my little stereo, how to polish rocks, and all the other wonderful things that I haven't learned on my own.

I see my son with his Dad now and I cannot help them form these memories - they are between the two of them. Wonderful, unforgettable, happy memories. But I can help preserve the little details :)

And there're memories that my son shares only with me, too. Like testing the studio setup for the upcoming shoot:

Happy memories to all of us~~~

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A few things

First of all I wanted to share this story with you: do you know Twitter? An application that so many people seem to use, but nobody so far was able to tell me the exact purpose of using it?

I use it too, but I'm still quite a bit unsure as to what to do with it :). So one day, I sat down and started browsing through profiles of people here in NJ, just to see if I can "meet" someone interesting and friend them, and I came across many interesting profiles, most of which were promoting something they do, or sell... *sigh*. And I added them, and kept on going about my social networking profiles, writing updates, responding to emails and messages, when BANG! Or, should I say - RING!

My cell phone rings, number unknown - I pick up and hear this: "Hi, my name is Drew, you just friended me on Twitter!". Imagine my shock :).

Long story short, we had a very nice conversation, I am having lunch with that person today - he's a local artist whose work inspires me. I'm very much looking forward to that. But the fact remains - I never expected to receive a real down to earth phone call from a real person, who I JUST friended on Twitter! I'm so glad there're people out there, who think outside the "what we ought to be doing", you know?

Summer seems to seep through the rainy moist sticky weather - here's a little peek into it:

And also - let this day or week bring miracles to you - life is full of opportunities and pleasant surprises!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

More studio work...

You know how it always seems that your "trying to make it big" is harder than everyone else's? I guess I mostly mean it profession-wise. Photography field is pretty competitive, but it's nothing comparing to lives of new musicians. This is probably why it is such an honor for me to photograph for them.

These are old friends of mine 's band members - Bill and Jaime.

We worked in a private studio in Manhattan to achieve the looks they all needed for their promotion. There were (counts in her mind) one... two... three... omg!.. about ten people I had to photograph that night!

Everyone came out nicely, and these I post here with their permission to display one of the most fun and challenging shoots I had to do this spring:

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Week's updates

Once again - nice and busy last week led to an even nicer weekend.

This time I had an honor to assist Bruce Smith (Britain fashion photographer) in his amazing master class and today I flew TWO (!!!) times :). First time in the morning with instructor - had a lesson, and second time - with a friend. He controlled, I photographed. And here's what came out!