Friday, July 8, 2011

Little things...

Some things in life you can just never have. So when someone says 'everything is possible' - should you take it with a grain of salt or not?

Here's what I thought:
I'm old enough to claim that I will probably never celebrate my 40th wedding anniversary with the man I admire. Not in a hot sleek red dress at least hahahah. But who knows... May be the time WILL stop... So. Never say 'never'.

Enjoying what you have sometimes may take an effort, but humor took us through a lot (so far).
Here's something much less thoughtful, but precious nevertheless:

At the sushi place with my son the other day...

Me: can I have a ta... Wait... Did you just spit into your miso soup?
A: *laughs and snorts*
Me: I was just about to ask if I can have a taste of your miso soup and you went and spat in it?
A: *slides down his seat scorched with laughter*
(I'm telling you. Entertaining kids is not my piece of bread. I don't get their sense of humor...)
A: *stops laughing, giggles* but you have same germs as me!
Me: who said so??
A: YOU did!


Have a magical Friday, my friends and I will see you when I see you!


  1. I'm a realist, I don't believe everything is possible. Some people just are given more talents then others. And the ones that have it and use it succeed, while the ones without just fade away in their lives.

  2. My opinion on this strongly varies depending on the mood...
