Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Somebody suggested to put more pictures online

I've been told that I need to have much more work displayed on my website...

I kind of agree, but here's another point: after I take all these fun pictures that I do for work - 99% of them become ordinary to me. The only magic that's left is in that 1% and that 1% is kind of hard to categorize. It can be anything - from a flower to a complex setup or composition.

And so it becomes hard to judge which ones should I keep online. Uncategorized picks are not for portfolio, they are just my own personal collection of photos that I love - more suitable for Flickr or contests...
And the rest becomes a question of a simple technicality... this was done, this was how it was done, and this was who it was done for. *Yawn*. Boring a bit...

Dilemma. :)

The case with this young lady is different. I am fascinated with dance - movement and shapes capture all my attention and turn me into a lab retriever who's so excited that even his tail starts a life of it's own. I squeal and jump, fall on my knees and get on top of the chair, the camera grows on me... and I stop only when a physical sensation of body being tired from tension tells me to.

This is probably why I enjoy the pictures I took for her so very much... they are all emotional to me.

More can be seen on my Flickr page.

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