Monday, September 12, 2011

I'm back! Missed me yet?

So.. the whole summer has come and gone and I have shamelessly forgotten all about my blog! Though if you'd know what I've been through, you would understand. And now that things are finally cooling down and I can see my path again clearer - welcome back ME!

He said he'll be a pilot too..

Summer fun and little boy growing up to be smarter than me

Well, that's expected. My son is my favorite teacher. I can look through his eyes at everything I do and judge from his perspective - just to get that sheltering feeling of comfort that I'm heading in the right direction. I wanted to post some pictures here, but realized that I'm typing this from a wireless device again and I have none with me. So I pulled some from Facebook via my phone. What have we been doing all our lifes without smart phones??

He has just started new school year (again?! Where did the summer go?). Just like last year - he refused to display any signs of affection in front of the school building. All he did is pose for a picture. Hm.. that didn't work out too well for him, did it..

Work and studio improvements

I'm very happy to share with you that the building is still there and we still have our studio. Even though we were very seriously considering the move, we are still in Neuman Leathers old building on Observer Hwy in Hoboken NJ.
We have also scheduled little improvement projects, including some cosmetic and structural changes. Coming for a visit?

August has been blissfully slow and I was able to catch up on some rest, joy and laughter. Although I don't physically feel rested, because things still remained Non-Stop - I definitely feel rejuvenated and energized. Thanks to You-Know-Who ;)

Re-branding and website re-design are well under way... watch out for changes soon. I hope you like them. I mean - changes in general. I do, I even love when Facebook changes. Even though the whole world seems to drop into exasperation every time they upgrade something.

Drawing is like writing. Writing is like drawing.

Last night I posted something PRETTY AWESOME about myself and my writing process and that got re-tweeted by several people right away. Even though I felt very special... internet is weird.
Also, I noticed that when I write - I wish I could write better. And when I draw - I wish I could draw better. Therefore I have decided to make efforts and improve on those skills. Meanwhile, you'll have to read what I write in the way I write now. But that may never change and you'll simply need to accept that fact. Because some things don't change.

Oh, and I also JUMPED out of the perfectly good airplane

That was my birthday surprise to myself. Just because I'm awesome that way. I have a video of that somewhere, but if I promise to post it, then I'll never get to it. So here's a couple of pics taken by Chad @ "Skydive Sussex"

The most beautiful sunset view I had experienced
Best face massage ever! Ladies - listen.
Last but not least - something useful

Found a cool article on Mashable today about readability. If you are anything like me - you have a feed reader set up and are subscribed to them. And I don't need to tell you what to do. Just wanted to comment again, that the more I learn - the stronger the feeling that I know less and less comparing to the amount of all available knowledge out there. What to do??? I'm simply giving up...

Also, that's why you see what you see in the post today. I'm trying to look smarter than I am. Is this more readable than just a bunch of paragraphs? I think so.

Have a wonderful week! I have just deserved my coffee break.

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