Saturday, July 16, 2011

Cheese, cherries and white bread

"I choose to live a simpler life."
This weekend I went to visit my friend Caro in Quebec. Just the anticipation of being together again, hearing her laughter, be quiet together, swim in the lake, share simple food, exchange thoughts on spirituality, life and men (oh yeah!) - brings me into a place I want to be. Peaceful, detached and complete.
AND I get to meet her family!

First night we spent in a gorgeous two story house in downtown Montreal. I slept like a baby - completely uninterupted - right in the middle of a gorgeous empty room. And when I awoke, the streets were already alive.

I took some photos of the house while my friends caught up on their sleep. Walked around all over the place with my iPhone - I wanted to remember every little detail of this beautiful home. By the way, when someone recently asked me what is my favorite camera, I didn't have to think too long - it's my phone, of course. And why, you will ask... Because it's simply always "there".

And then, when they awoke, we took off to Sherbrooke, it's my friend's hometown - tonight there's a big festival by the lake and we are going to walk around, listen to music, indulge our taste buds, spend money on arts and crafts... I, personally, will stare at people, photograph and melt like butter in the sun from all the beautiful french sounds reaching my ears.

But for now there is smell of the summer. Swimming in a huuuuge lake near the house, quiet conversations, laughter and cute little noises by Caro's little nephew. Playing a little bit of the piano, they have same one as me...

I am complete.....

PS: I can't help but repeat over and over again, that there's nothing more precious in my life than my wonderful friends. I have been blessed with opportunity to meet and befriend some truly unique and amazing people.
And they in turn introduce me to their friends and I feel that there's nothing else in the world to do, but enjoy each others company.

I've got internet, but not the computer, so... No pictures for now :). May be some other time..

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