Monday, August 2, 2010

On model direction and photo agents

Watched a photographer pose a model the other day and thought I'd write this down, because it's a very thin ice - working well with models. Push them a little too much and they'll break into something. Don't push - and don't get anything interesting in the image.

I've found that following these two steps help (to remember what I need to do and what I should not do).

- Let the model do what they would do naturally first. Watch them move, observe - what poses are natural to them. Some people are quieter, some louder. Some move slowly, like cats, making precisely calculated steps. Some are more of "all over the place" - they move fast, may be awkwardly, but is be the beauty in them - everything depends on what you need to accomplish.

Then start directing them. Slow them down a little, or pace. Take it a little out of the comfort zone, challenge them... Challenge yourself.

They take your directions and apply to what's natural to them, if the rapport is established well enough.
There are also interesting examples... For instance, I had a model who'd do PRECISELY as I say, and it did not look good. It's all a matter of balance between them showing their moves and you pushing them a little bit more at a time.

On the other note - found this very interesting interview of a photo agent:

Check it out - I think the insight into the industry is very good.

No photos today :).
But come back tomorrow and hopefully I'll please you with something I did over weekend~


  1. I Saw It!!! lol
    Nice blog! Good job Irina xo

  2. Hi!! Yesterday was really fun~ thank you for a fabulous night out!

    Do you mean the ghost?
    Fun, right?

    Welcome to my little blog ;). I'll see you tomorrow
