I'll start backwards - flying, then Mondays and the rest of it.
Yesterday did my first cross-country flight! Turned out much easier than anticipated. Chart on the lap, straight line between airports, 5 mile markings on it, a bunch of lakes, roads, ridges and power lines led me on my way - yay, I'm glad I can do that!
Landings were great too, except that on the way back I felt so relaxed that I refused to line up with the runway, and the instructor had to remind me of that. :)
After thaaaat... I was invited to the school for a little Mother's Day celebration, where our children made us presents, read us things they like about us, made me cry, served us chocolate dipped strawberries, sandwiches and ice tea.
In the evening I went to meet up with colleagues from NJ Creatives organization and had a lovely time connecting with illustrators Dave, Norm and Christa (fun fun fun, caring people, they can even do caricatures - a word I, apparently, never had to pronounce before), our webmaster Stan - loved his sense of humor, and a very creative out-of-the-box, besides-the-box, in-front-of-the-box thinking Veronica, whose business card will go into my "top-notch" collection - it's a 3D ruler, and I won't be able to describe it unless I show it to you some time later :).
Also met Beverly and Lynn, who I didn't really get to talk to, but... hopefully next month!
Networking became what it is for me - communicating, having fun, building wonderful relationships with people who I might do business with, or even simply learn from. I was warned that when I go freelance I might find myself stuck alone in my home office or have nobody to talk to during the work week, but... it just never happened. I meet exciting people every day, and I refer them to each other, and they refer each other to me.
Just as suspected, there's no marketing strategy good enough for me right now, than plain getting out there and meeting folks, seeing who they are and what they do, getting inspired by their energy and interests.
Beautiful Tuesday on the East Coast