Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Flooded basement and Dress to get YES

As yet another resolution to write more, I went and realized there were no posts here in May. Shame!

This morning woke up to the basement being slightly flooded after my wash load yesterday. I wished all the boxes and stuff on the floor would just disappear, but I guess that's the way the Universe hears me - I go and flood the whole thing up. And now half of the stuff can be safely thrown away :). Not that my husband would let me...

And last night had a blast at the "Dress to get YES!" workshop with Bobbie H. ( She explains people and their colors, but also shows which colors work (and don't) for each of the participants.

I wanted to take this class for a while, even before I met Bobbie. For myself, and also, to be able to advise client at to which colors may compliment them and which make them look dreadful. 

I heard of color seasons before, and I kind'a liked the idea that my colors are cold and summery, in any case that's what I decided for myself, after all summer IS my favorite season. Yes, with all the heat and what not! I could live like this forever :)

But Bobbie showed me (with grace and sympathy I must add), that I was completely out of the ball park! I was very comforted by the scheme that she showed me though, if was like a hug, to finally admit which ones feel better on me.

So, I'm not a summery person after all. *sigh*

We also were able to order our own personal swatch books that can make shopping much easier. I can't wait to get mine!

By the way, did you know that if you register with the Network ( you get a free workshop? I didn't. Oh well :). I'm sure I'll come back to learn something else in those friendly walls.

So... at first I couldn't understand what we're looking at. I was a little late, and they already started. I walked in when they were trying different color schemes on one of the participants. I didn't see why applying red and red on a guy would get an enthusiastic YES in one case and a NO in another. I thought red was a bad idea in general! But then, with all that going on with a few different participants, I finally grasped the idea. I wasn't supposed to look at the color itself, but at the guy wearing it!
And judge whether he looked better in this particular color or worse than in the other.

So, now, you guys can ask me what looks good on you ;). But all hats to Bobbie - she's the expert. If you really want to know and think it's important - call her.

1 comment:

  1. Flooded Basement
    Nearly every homeowner will experience some form of water damage, and if you have a basement, it’s pretty much a guarantee. In fact, studies have concluded that 98% of all basements will suffer from some form of water damage at some point in their existence.
