Thursday, October 20, 2011

Challenge - day 6... and QR* codes!

Aaaaannnd... Sunrise again!

I love mornings because you almost never wake up anxious, but almost always go to bed a little bit distraught. Meditation helps, but I would be living someone else's life if I said that I do it EVERY night.

Today, after reading an article on how QR codes can potentially cause a security threat (only potentially yet, or so I understood...) I learned how to make my own QR code, it was much easier than I anticipated, and also - absolutely FREE.

So I went to Kaywa, typed in the URL I want to point to with this code and voila!

Click here to 'like' our business page!

Or you can scan it with your smartphone, like I do (QRReader for iPhone for example), but there's nowhere to scan it from ;), unless you have one of my new business cards that may or may not include that on the back...

So, basically, for "Sigen Photography", so far - it is pretty useless. But how cool, eh?

The link you're pointing to better be mobile optimized, otherwise another pointless situation arises.

All in all, I don't yet see the use of it. So I scan something with my phone - then what? I still go to a computer to do any real reading, or research, or shopping.

Is it time to go sleep yet? Hah... back to work chica!

* QR or Quick Response code is a two-dimensional bar code that is scanned and understood by a cellphone camera. Of course you need an app for that as well. Once the QR code is scanned, the app directs you to the webpage it's attached to, for example.

1 comment:

  1. I was able to scan the QR code right from my computer screen, but it brought me to a facebook login. May be better to have it bring you to your website?
