Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Upstate New York from above...

my pilot friend and I...
...we took off that day with intention to travel up north and catch some of the last glimpses of fall 2010. I was after some aerial photos of colorful foliage and he needed company, so... long story short, we got into an airplane and went up.

The weather seemed perfect. There was very little turbulence and so clear out that I was amazed. The pictures coming out so good - that almost never happens. 

Our 1st stop at Glen Falls airport: very cute place.

Wide long runway, no tower, very quiet... You can tell you are in the country... As my friend announces over the radio to whoever is at the front desk that we are staying for breakfast and need fuel - a very energetic man comes out to meet us, shows where to park the airplane and even motion-directs to us, while we are at it. Then we proceed inside the warm building to check out amenities and see what they have in a cafeteria while he is pulling in with the fuel truck.

Two of the visiting airplanes are parked near the entrance - I imagine some business men taking a break on their flight somewhere farther away. They look snazzy and probably smell wonderfully leathery inside.

I have a delicious rhubarb/strawberry pie followed by some toast and egg and hot tea. My friend is on his phone - checking out the weather ahead. And I am writing this, after taking some calls to follow up with clients.

He is worried about the weather. There's lots of ice very low somewhere around the area where we are heading - Prattsburg NY.

We are planning to fly over lake George and lake Champlain. Gorgeous places.

We don't get too far and have to turn around, it's amazing how quickly weather changes in November. But it was a nice and relaxing day. Perfect for a day-off.

This is just a few shots from that day, I hope you enjoy them:

Another airport where you can end up in the water :), heheh, I already have a good collection of those - coming together... :

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